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2024/02/19 Propuestas de cambios

- Hay que dejar claro que es un proyecto y ser mucho más concreto sobre los detalles del proyecto. No solo vaguedades.
- Hay que incluir
	- Objetivos generales y objetivos específicos del proyecto.
		- *Overall goal*: Support the achievement of the [[WHO]] 2030 NTD Roadmap for [[STH]] and beyond
		- *Project purpose*: Advance and accelerate an innovative pharmacological tool to support the elimination goals against [[STH]] species, specially those poorly responsive to current treatment regimens
		- *The intervention*: A single tablet, [[Fixed-Dose Combination]] of Ivermectin and [[Albendazole]]
		- *Specific objectives*:
			- Provide a tool to support the achievement of the [[WHO]] Roadmap goals for [[STH]]
			- Submission process of [[FDC]] to EMA & national agencies in [[Ghana]] and Kenya
			- Safety and effectiveness tailored to policy makers for the control of [[STH]], including [[Strongyloides stercolaris]] and integration with other NTDs
			- Acceptability, feasibility and adherence data added to the evidence package to support [[WHO]] guidance
			- Develop a model for sustainable supply and costing
			- Model the impact of different use cases and scenarios
			- Pilot antihelmintic resistance surveillance based on genetic epidemiology
	- Objetivos y logros de los proyectos STOP previos en background
		- Qualification at EMA for art. 58
		- Safety of IVM up to 600μg/kg alone and in coformulation with albendazole
		- Demonstrated efficacy agrainst T. trichiura in a pivotal trial in SSA
	- Investigadores principales de cada uno de los partners
	- Timeline y milestones (cuáles se han cumplido?)
		- __Proposed safety and effectiveness study__
			- *Primary objective*: To evaluate and compare safety of a [[FDC]] against [[Albendazole]] alone via [[MDA]] in two study areas in Kenya and [[Ghana]].
			- *Secondary objectives*:
				- To evaluate the effectiveness of one round of [[MDA]] with [[FDC]] vs [[Albendazole]] against [[STH]] (T. trichiura, A. lumbricoides, hookworms) [[by]] microscopy
				- To evaluate the effectiveness of one round of [[MDA]] with [[FDC]] vs [[Albendazole]] against [[Strongyloides stercolaris]] [[by]] serology
			- *Primary goal*: Safety (incidence of SAEs)
			- *Secondary goals*: Effectiveness at 21 days and 1 [[year]]; Genomic resistance
			- *Sample size*: approx. 20k.
			- *Target population*: School based
			- *Epidemiologic conditions of the sites*: T. trichiura ongoing transmission areas
			- *Countries*: [[Ghana]] and [[Kenya]]
		- __Proposed acceptability and feasibility study__
			- *Primary goal*: Acceptability and feasibility
			- *Secondary goals*: Adherence (3-day regimen), fidelity
			- *Countries*: [[Ghana]] and [[Kenya]]
			- *Epidemiologic conditions of the sites*: Ongoing [[STH]] deworming activities
	- Ideas generales importantes
		- Dosing strategies for Ivermectine are being revisited
		- The fix-dose coformulation of Albendazole/Ivermectine is due to enter regulatory agencies
		- Acceptability and safety studies are underway
		- The access plan is being developed
		- Integration across programs (these results have implications beyond STH)
		- Progress has been achieved through public-private partnerships but more partners are needed to reach the ultimate goal.
	- El abstract del proyecto?
		- [[Soil-Transmitted Helminths]] (STH) remain a significant public health problem with recognized obstacles for control and elimination with the current benzimidazole regimens in [[Mass Drug Administration]] (MDA) campaigns. Renewed targets from [[WHO]] for 2030 include elimination of [[STH]] morbidity in pre-school and school age children (PSAC & SAC), increased country governance and financial support and a strongyloidiasis control program; 2030 has also been targeted by [[WHO]] for controlling NTDs to attain the Sustainable Development Goals. 
		  The current proposal aims at accelerating the implementation of an innovative [[health]] technology, a [[Fixed-Dose Combination]] (FDC) tablet of co-formulated [[albendazole]] and ivermectin, with adequate safety and significantly superior efficacy against T. trichiura in a registrational randomized clinical trial. This trial is being conducted in Ethiopia, [[Kenya]] and Mozambique with the guidance of EMA and sponsored [[by]] [[EDCTP]] (STOP projects) with a Phase II trial completed and a Phase III currently recruiting. 
		  This [[project]], [[STOP2030]], seeks to complement the results of the safety and efficacy trial with a field-based safety and effectiveness clinical study, acceptability studies in [[Ghana]] and [[Kenya]], modelling and cost-effectiveness exercises. The resulting information will be consolidated to build a multidisciplinary package for policy making and [[WHO]] guidance with the support of advocacy and communication activities to reach stakeholders and maximize the exploitation and impact of the [[FDC]] for [[STH]] control and elimination. 
		  The Consortium assembled to execute the [[STOP2030]] proposal combines expertise in complementary fields [[from]] program assessment and implementation through Ministries of [[Health]] in sub Saharan African countries, advocacy, state of the art technology, leadership in clinical research and a pharma that has shown commitment for generating access to drugs against NTDs and has recently obtained [[WHO]] prequalification for generic ivermectin #INFO
	- Project duration (36 months); cuando empieza y cuando acaba (20 junio 2026)