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- María Santamaría: Menudos Corazones. Difundir el tema del Chagas.
- Copis:
- UCM:
- La mayoría de personas con Chagas no saben que lo tienen y la mayoría de sistemas sanitarios no están preparados, ni concienciados, para identificar casos temprano, cuando el tratamiento es más eficaz. . En Mundo Sano queremos derribar estas barreras.
- UCM:
- TODO ARMAR un copy para lo del consulado de este sábado 2024/07/06 aunque se va a publicar la semana del 15 al 19 de julio 2024/07/15 id:: 6683f56e-d574-4b4b-bf1d-d9e505ecfa1e SCHEDULED: <2024-07-10 Wed 13:00>
- TODO [#A] PREPARAR copy sobre lo de las II Jornadas de Chagas UCM
id:: 66718d9d-362c-4627-be2f-f04f6d4dd977
SCHEDULED: <2024-07-10 Wed 15:30>
- Notas:
- Se conectaron algo más de 80 personas. No hbaía argentinos, pero sí había mexicanos (viva!) y guineanos (wtf?). Había personas de universidades y laboratorios. La gente que se suele apuntar son muy participativos.
- El último día se tocaron algunos temas novedosos, como IA para diagnóstico y una ablación cardiaca con radioterapia para mejorar las condiciones del tejido fibrosado del miocardio.
- DONE 10:30 - 11:30: Reunión de equipo
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SCHEDULED: <2024-07-10 Wed>
A tratar
- Mostraros la plataforma Monday.
- Procesos de apertura, seguimiento y reporting de los proyectos.
- Plantilla de viajes
- Melaku's trip
- MA: Report for María Santamaría about my stay in Ethiopia for one week. 9 months of evaluation from July to March. So the organizer was also from Amhara. The more important is to analyze the situation. Because of the conflict some are not able to work. We we working about that. How it was for the last 9 months. Some were supporting the health system with emergency support. Our success is to go on in the University PhD program and we're not collecting the sample. They're asking us what can we do in the future. How we can reach our aim? For that we've prepared to extend the project to fulfill our gaps and is under supervision of the MoH. They're in discussion with the region. We have to wait until their decission. We need to ask for an extension, maybe to Sept or Oct. The proposal to the government is extension but maybe working in other areas? One option is if in september schools reopen, that. If the conflicts go on, we plan to do it basically in the hospital. In that case we have to submit again. Our intention is now is sto continiue in the school. We expect to start on the 20th of September. The conflict is not worse or better, it is still there, but I can't tell you if they open or not.
- What is the latest that we can say if it goes ahead or not?
- After september 30 we can tell.
- Middle or end of septemeber, we need like 10 days for preparation. If not, the second option will have to go ahead. Hospital. Eastern part of Ethiopia, calm part. Afar, Harar, Oromia?
- Hay una prevalencia de 12%. If there is more than 5% is enough to launch a program.
- Including strongy in the master plan we need data from other regions. Our amhara data is a bit old (2020, 2021). This door for us will be interesting.
- MA: do maping in amhara region.
- MG: do they have other deworming programs you can attach to?
- AA: not exactly deworming, but other programs that give opportunity.
- MA: There is no water access in some schools, so we have to bring it beforehand
- For ammendments 3 months is enough. Before the project expiry date (en diciembre de 2024).
- AM: I can use previous templates to adapt, it will take maybe 15 days. I can have by end of sept to have 2 proposals.
- MA: The ethical clearance people are 5. One from out of the health system, other from university.
- The are some confussion. We have to give all the report for the MoH and the regional health bureau, not only the MoH (it was what we thought). They lost a lot of infrastructure in the health centers, so we're asking us for some donations from the NGOs in the region to support. We have 10% of the total budget about monitoring, so maybe we can change the monitoring to give them things. It depends, is it legal? if they're not doing monitoring and evaluation, how can we prove that we've worked there for 2 years?
- We need someone once per month to ask them and tell them what we're doing. Paco's office is receiving part of the money from the project. That's pretty much his role.
- MS: How can this be solved?
- AA: His accountant knows the program but is very shy. Someone working close to his accountant, WHO knows the basic things about the project. Train someone to understand what we're doing and choose someone how can defend the project in the MoH. But now we cannot send Melaku. allí fue su logista a defender nuestro proyecto y fue una cagada muy gorda. en el mail que recibí del MoH no tenía nada que ver con lo que habíamos hablado. Su cuestión era 'cuando va a ser la reunión del master plan'? y se metió ahí en un lío en el que no tenía que haberse metido. Even the relationship with this man was very close. If you want to communicate with me do it by mail. If
- WHO will publish a very interesting paper about deworming. The group of the guidelines are writing a paper for the lancet. We're receiving the last draft. If we're able to send this for th
- MG: Formularios para aplicar a proyectos nuevos. Que nos ayuden a que la aplicación de los proyectos ya tenga el formato que tenemos en Monday, que es la plataforma de gestión de los proyectos. Empezar a estandarizar todo. Hacer todo un poco más estandarizado, con formato más científico. Vmaos a pediros que os empecéis a familiarizar con la aplicación a partir de septiembre para uqe no sea solo MSantamaría
- Monthly meetings with the team in Ethiopia and find someone we can follow
- Begin to plan both strategies (A and B, Amhara and Harar Region)
- Get the cronogram for the master plan
- REunión el 18 o el 23 para hablar.
- DONE 10:30 - 11:30: Reunión de equipo
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SCHEDULED: <2024-07-10 Wed>