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- # #Tareas - TODO RESPONDER a los emails de la STOP2030/Newsletter SCHEDULED: <2024-09-02 Mon> - TODO LEER y promocionar que se hagan unos tuits sobre la nueva guía de OMS sobre PC de Strongyloides SCHEDULED: <2024-09-06 Fri> - - TODO DESCARGAR todos los vídeos del MOOC del TDR SCHEDULED: <2024-09-06 Fri> - TODO PENSAR copis para eventos de octubre SCHEDULED: <2024-09-02 Mon> - Congreso SEMTSI 2024/10/02-2024/10/04 - Jornada Red de Laboratorios 2024/10/07-2024/10/08 - SEGIB 2024/10/09-2024/10/10 - TODO PEDIR a Fede o Marta de SigloXXI los dos libros de Merlina Acevedo (y de hecho, pedirle dos para que uno sea para Paula) SCHEDULED: <2024-09-02 Mon> - DONE [#A] ENVIAR mensaje a Adela para recordarle que ya estoy de vuelta y ver si charlamos un ratito hoy o mañana o pasado SCHEDULED: <2024-09-02 Mon> - TODO RESPONDER A las de Sietepar sobre lo de los textos, sus diseños y demás SCHEDULED: <2024-09-06 Fri> - TODO CONTAR a Nerea con cosas importantes para STOP2030/Redes Sociales y otras cosas SCHEDULED: <2024-09-06 Fri> - ASTMH y otros eventos del futuro (que aunque no vayamos pueden ser relevantes para contenido, redes, etc.) - TODO QUE METAN en la Web de STOP2030 que OMS ha designado a KEMRI como un centro colaborador en la vigilancia de NTDs collapsed:: true SCHEDULED: <2024-09-06 Fri> - Escrito un textito: - #+BEGIN_VERSE ESACIPAC (KEMRI) designated as a WHO Collaborating Centre on monitoring and evaluation of NTDs
The Eastern and Southern Africa Centre of International Parasite Control (ESACIPAC), a part of KEMRI, has been designated as a WHO Collaborating Centre on monitoring and evaluation of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) for the next four years. As part of their commitment, they will carry out activities to support disease mapping and impact assessment surveys for the control and elimination of NTDs.
This newly designated WHO Collaborating Centre will be led by Doris Njomo, PhD, centre director of ESACIPAC, and Collins Okoyo, PhD, a statistician from KEMRI involved in the data collection, modelling and analysis within the STOP2030 consortium.
The STOP2030 consortium congratulates ESACIPAC, and KEMRI, for this important achievement, and celebrates working together in developing our fixed-dose coformulation and making it available where it is most needed.
#+END_VERSE - LO de KEMRI y OMS - La nueva guía de Strongy - En breve el DTAG publicará the TPP on diagnostics for St st. With that, these recommendations should have the right tools to complement treatment. - El paper de farmacocinética. La clave está en la última frase del abstract: "The results allow the advancement to the next phase of the clinical program to demonstrate efficacy and safety in patients affected by soil-transmitted helminths.". - DONE PILLAR los datos del VPN y conectarme desde el mac SCHEDULED: <2024-09-02 Mon>