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  • Lydia and Alan
  • Who are we engaging? leaders, how to communi
  • Where do rumors start?
  • How does WP4 help us to deal with these things
  • Cornelius Debpuur: My job is work you through the initial thinking of WP4. Do we still consider the questions of objectives the most relevant?
  • WP4 should be implementation research. The extent to which the aceptability feasibility adherence study should be informed by the REALISE trial?
  • If we speak about acceptability we need to take into account who are we considering? teachaers? health care workers?
  • We didn't talk to the school children because we don't have the methods to do it adequately. For this phase it will be neccesary to talk to them and get their perspective.
  • Should they have something or nothing to do with each other? (REALISE and the AFA study)
  • AK Many of the concerns are generic and not specific for us. What is specifically problematic from our intervention.
  • CD if this is an implementation research, as it is now, the intervention is not going to go on outside the trial if my understanding is correct.
  • Any study in which we provide medication to any patient becomes a clinical trial. It has to go through the same rules as any other clinical trial.
  • Opare dice que se puede hacer un piloto. Pero otro dice que tienes que tomarlo desde "cero" y que no podemos ampliar a x3 sin haberlo incluido en ll