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- # #Tareas
- DONE PREPARAR presentación de [[María Santamaría]]
SCHEDULED: <2024-04-04 Thu>
- DONE [#A] PREPARAR presentación sobre las comunicaciones de [[STOP2030]] para la reunión con el Advisory Board
SCHEDULED: <2024-04-04 Thu>
- DONE [#A] PREGUNTAR a [[Marina]] y [[Silvia]] si tienen claras algunas de las invitaciones que podríamos ir mandando ya para que [[yo]] vaya preparándolo
SCHEDULED: <2024-04-04 Thu>
- DONE ENTERARME de si hay reunión con Sonia y [[Dolores]] y [[Adela]]
SCHEDULED: <2024-04-04 Thu>
- TODO ACTUALIZAR lista de invitado al [[Evento]] con sugerencias de [[Marina]]
SCHEDULED: <2024-04-04 Thu>
- TODO ESCRIBIR a [[Chema Buceta]] para preguntarle qué tal van las gestiones con [[Caixaforum]]
SCHEDULED: <2024-04-05 Fri>
- TODO PEDIR Carteles para cribado de [[Chagas]] en el consulado el sábado [[2024/05/04]] a [[Scienseed]]
SCHEDULED: <2024-04-05 Fri>
DEADLINE: <2024-04-19 Fri>
- TODO IR al cribado al consulado
SCHEDULED: <2024-05-04 Sat>
- # #Eventos
- TODO 15:00 - 16:30: Reu equipo comunicaciones
SCHEDULED: <2024-04-04 Thu 15:00>
estimated: 1h
- CANCELED 11:15 - 12:30: Presentación GEPI
SCHEDULED: <2024-04-04 Thu>
- CANCELED 13:00 - 14:00: Reunión [[Ade]] + Sonia + [[Dolores]] + Borja
SCHEDULED: <2024-04-04 Thu 13:00>
- TODO 16:00 - 17:00: [[STOP2030]] - STAB Meeting
SCHEDULED: <2024-04-04 Thu 16:00>
- ## Notas
- [[AK]]. To begin with ty to them. To be part of the STAB meeting and being availsable at the same time. I prepared a presentation which wont take more than 20-25 mins an get your input. We really value this. Adhoc afiliation with Liconsa. Affiliation to FMS. Estuvo en previous stop durante el ALIVE study.
- John Amuasi: physician. Global health infectious diseases and global health department.
- Raj Shankar Gosh: mefico trained in public health: working onf infectious Climate health and resistance and the founder at a startup in Dehli
- Denise Mupfasoni: NTD department at WHO leading all the STH related activities. Key stakeholder on our. Geneva. Member as an observer in this group. Not a full member.
- Pat Lamie: task force for global health. Colleague on AK durante unos 20 años.
- Collins Okoyo: Kenya. Leader of WP3 on modelling and cost effectiveness.
- Julie: Bridges, we lead wp5. Excited to hear.
- Marina: Anthropologist. WP5 with bridges more focused on the comms.
- Carla Valribiera: coordinating all the consortium members
- AK: stop 1 y stop2 querían hacer un pivotal trial de la fdc y show safety and efficacy against STH
- Liconsa responsability.
- Liconsa tiene track record en gloabl health porque hacen el benznidazol y han prequalified ivermectin.
- ISGlobal lidership de las biomedical sciences.
- WP3 leaded by KEMRI: leaded by modelling and db but also as a siste.
- wp4: the social sciences: acceptabiility feasibility and adherence: also clinical site, but also a leader through their expertise on other projects on acceptaibility.
- WP5: policty, access, advocacy and communications.
- Y por último Sanger working on developing surveillance methods por genomic ana
- The target of the consorcios es crear goals and evidence needed by WHO in evaluating the incorporating this strategies into programs.
- We know that the FDC también es util para oncho, lf, scabies y demás pero tenemos que elegir una disease of particular interest to perform the particular studies. So far the achievements have been: submission to EMA through art 58. the main target is leading the way to prequalification to WHO. We did the pivotal trial that demonstrated safety efficacy against T. Trichiura.
- Our current main challenges are safety and acceptability. We've had conversations with the department in Geneva to align our strategies.
- Evaluation of implementation strategies, pathways to programs and an access plan.
- We look for your expertise in these 3 aspects. Our interest is go beyond the science limited to STH and a vision of global health and a program of implementation.
- TODO LEER 2030 targets for soil-transmitted helminthiases de WHO
SCHEDULED: <2024-04-21 Sun>
- Of particular interest where the ocular nosequé
- El clinical trial is under review. Nothing to highlight regarding safety, which lead us to go to test safety with bigger populations.
- consideramos lo de 3 dosis para situaciones que no son las de MDA sino otros escenarios.
- For strongi we didn't reach the recruitement size. The answer we wanted to provide we couldnt give.
- Our project is proposing an innovation with our fdc but also for other ways of getting ivm.
- Safety, palatability and efficacy están demostrados
- Generate the evidence and arguments to our policy and access planning communicating with the correct stakehoulders and provide us input and give visibility to the project.
- El REALISE es en una zona endémica de T. trichiura. O alb o fdc una vez.
- What type of acceptability studies are really needed to evaluate acceptabilty? End users or los jefes de los sistemas de salud? Either one, or both, can be the right target of these studies.
- Our conclusions and proposal is revisit the dosign strategies for ivm.
- Pat Lammie: A couple of questions: great presentation of the data generated. When you where looking at the reductions in egg with T. t. The scatter that you saw with fdc1 or fdc3. What is going in con la gente que no muestra esa reduction?
- AK: We have hypothesis: people working in the vet world have shown that having a longer exposure to the drug improve the efficacy. We haven't completed the genomic analysis trying to identify if there is a difference. But the pharmacokinetic analysis shows in Phase II we couldn't identify. We only saw it in blood, not where the parasite is.
- PL: The work being done by Sanger is it full genome analysis?
- AK: sí. su approach también es ese para este proyecto.
- JOHN AMUASI: really a rich presentation of the clinical data. Quite a significant variation in the AE.
- ## Cosas de gastos del [[Evento]]
- Sala, catering, técnicos (Caixaforum)
- Sala NH, comida NH
- Chema Buceta
- Se encarga de la relación con Caixaforum
- Se encarga de la visita a Liconsa/Chemo/nosecual
- Comida CA
- Scienseed
- Buscar cuántas horas han metido al evento
- Me dio autorización (informal) Marina a decirles que si necesitan facturar algo por fuera lo hagan |