- JJ: ASTMH: we want to start a conversation and dont. havae a piece with all the data. multiple potential uses, efficacy, we can give that to people.
- A little bit about the project, what is doing, learn more about the key parts.
- JJ: This is been going on for a lot of time and a lot of money. This is not simple, it sounds.
- JJ: In the comms world for this project, our audience is very different because we're not talking to end users. The coms are with the scientific and technical partners, and the financing parties. In the next couple of months there's a bunch of financing about into the broader field of NTDs. How do you finance what was usually donated. ASTMH the session has the fdc pzq and moxi. how do we bring these. All have been asked for.
- JJ: In the comms world for this project, our audience is very different because we're not talking to end users. The coms are with the scientific and technical partners, and the financing parties. In the next couple of months there's a bunch of financing about into the broader field of NTDs. How do you finance what was usually donated. ASTMH the session has the fdc pzq and moxi. how do we bring these. All have been asked for. CORNTD: financing of ntd products brainstorming group in brisbane in september. Understanding that this product has been public sector funded with a strong private sector angle to it. the partnership
- ### Decisiones
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