- [[Ale]]: Will the Policy Brief include the recomendation of the FDC? Its something to be discussed. What [[Julie]] just showed is that WP2 is leading the biomedical studies. WP4: acceptaibiliuy and social studies. WP3 put everything together, modelling to incoporate the evidence gathered. incorporate to WP5 and make the final moves.
- [[Ale]]: Will the Policy Brief include the recomendation of the FDC? Its something to be discussed. What [[Julie]] just showed is that WP2 is leading the biomedical studies. WP4: acceptaibiliuy and social studies. WP3 put everything together, modelling to incoporate the evidence gathered. incorporate to WP5 and make the final moves.
- Question: within the work packages. programs will need to buy this commodity. We need to have some cost evaluation or cost-benefits.
- Question: within the work packages. programs will need to buy this commodity. We need to have some cost evaluation or cost-benefits.
- Question: for the BTS we're working towards the <2%prevalence.EliminationasaPHproblem.We'vedonemodelingwithSEMA.Canyouputtheperspectiveoftheprograminthemodelling(reachingbelow2%)
- Question: for the BTS we're working towards the <2%prevalence.EliminationasaPHproblem.We'vedonemodelingwithSEMA.Canyouputtheperspectiveoftheprograminthemodelling(reachingbelow2%)
- Question: I noted that there's a mention of the drug used for female, young, girls and not boys?