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SCHEDULED: <2024-11-11 Mon>
SCHEDULED: <2024-11-11 Mon>
- Symposium on innovative tools for NTD control. Stella, Julie and Ale
- Symposium on innovative tools for NTD control. Stella, Julie and Ale
- Poster on the formative study for acceptability in Ghana. Joseph
- Poster on the formative study for acceptability in Ghana. Joseph
- Presentation on the impact of covid WASH measures on STH and schisto in Kenya. Collins
- TODO HACER cortes al vídeo de [[Marina]] para [[Coalición Chagas]]
- TODO HACER cortes al vídeo de [[Marina]] para [[Coalición Chagas]]
SCHEDULED: <2024-11-11 Mon>
SCHEDULED: <2024-11-11 Mon>