Auto saved by Logseq

Borja Robert 1 year ago
parent cc81fd15d0
commit 3d51d9f078

@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
- Integration across programs (these results have implications beyond STH)
- Progress has been achieved through public-private partnerships but more partners are needed to reach the ultimate goal.
- ## Investigadores principales de cada uno de los partners
- TODO Mandar un email y pedirles nombres
- TODO Mandar un email y pedirles nombres para saber a quiénes citamos en la web y cómo quieren que los mostremos (Foto? enlace a LinkedIn? a página personal de su institución? crear una pequeña bio de cada uno en la web de stop2030?)
- ## Abstract del proyecto
- [[Soil-Transmitted Helminths]] (STH) remain a significant public health problem with recognized obstacles for control and elimination with the current benzimidazole regimens in [[Mass Drug Administration]] (MDA) campaigns. Renewed targets from [[WHO]] for 2030 include elimination of [[STH]] morbidity in pre-school and school age children (PSAC & SAC), increased country governance and financial support and a strongyloidiasis control program; 2030 has also been targeted by [[WHO]] for controlling NTDs to attain the Sustainable Development Goals.
