- CO: Yeah, no problem. We've been testing and retesting, programming at our level. Data management issues will be in place and the modelling will be working too.
- CO: Yeah, no problem. We've been testing and retesting, programming at our level. Data management issues will be in place and the modelling will be working too.
- AK. EDCTP forum. I think we should be having it in the horizon but dont want to disrupt any acitivies in the CT. It might be a little bit risky to go there. We need to put priority to the trial.
- AK. EDCTP forum. I think we should be having it in the horizon but dont want to disrupt any acitivies in the CT. It might be a little bit risky to go there. We need to put priority to the trial.
- AB: le ha encantado lo de los placebos.
- AB: le ha encantado lo de los placebos.
- AK: Frank Richards:
- ### Decisiones
- ### Decisiones
- TODO Añadir el interim report al documento de Word STOP2030
- TODO Añadir el interim report al documento de Word STOP2030