- - # #Tareas - TODO Reunión [[UTCNTDs]] anual SCHEDULED: <2024-03-26 Tue> - # Reunión de [[UTCNTDs]] - Year of elections - Zero sum game todo el mundo peleando por los mismos funds - Cost of living is raising - Droughts - Quieren mobilize efforts para más funding para oncho y para STH (WHO leading). - We think there is a logical tactical approach. How can they fund the NTD elimination agenda? All of these mecanism are open and accesible by countries. If they apply to this funds they need to think about the master plans. - We believe the most important source of money for countries for NTDs masterplans will be IDA21 - Let them know what we're thinking in term of plans around important dates - Louisa Tribe (la de coms) - new resources: - new partner briefing - NTD and climate change (mirar el briefing). Es completely based on WHO - Si queremos al de la canción (UNite, act, eliminate) podemos convencerle de que vaya a cantar! - - Matt Turney - Consultative forum: a core part of UTCNTD. It serves to expand the represenation of the partner network. Critical input to the board. No es un decision maker organismo, pero hay plazas vacantes. - Las aplications hasta el 26 de abril. - Nos podemos autonominar o nominar a otros o que nos nominen (yo creo que Silvia está en el board?) - Louisa para feedback and collab - CCG (la mayoría de la gente del call están en este group). Hay como 200 orgs y unas 30 o 40 que se suman cada mes. Cómo colaborar y alinear y updatearnos. - Hacen un survey anual. Compartirán pronto los resultados de 2023. - We're very focused on elimination efforts. From our perspective, fund request is focused on elimnation. Our target is raise 2B dollars. What it is that we need to raise money for. We need to mobilise how much for what. - -