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143.93692016601562, :y1 770.1549339294434, :x2 1072.082275390625, :y2 797.1759300231934, :width 1224, :height 1584} {:x1 143.93692016601562, :y1 798.9902610778809, :x2 480.7635192871094, :y2 826.0112571716309, :width 1224, :height 1584}), :page 3}, :content {:text " integrating Chagas efforts into the existing care infrastructure and operational procedures, such as including Chagas in newborn screening and prenatal care"}, :properties {:color "yellow"}} {:id #uuid "6597eaf9-81ce-411b-b575-94af9611f85e", :page 3, :position {:bounding {:x1 143.93692016601562, :y1 955.011344909668, :x2 848.3006591796875, :y2 982.0322799682617, :width 1224, :height 1584}, :rects ({:x1 143.93692016601562, :y1 955.011344909668, :x2 848.3006591796875, :y2 982.0322799682617, :width 1224, :height 1584}), :page 3}, :content {:text "These activities create an opportunity to “end the neglect” for Chagas disease"}, :properties {:color "yellow"}} {:id #uuid "6597eb20-a7cf-4958-9051-b02fe16271ac", :page 3, :position {:bounding {:x1 206.35447692871094, :y1 1111.0323486328125, :x2 1079.97216796875, :y2 1224.376708984375, :width 1224, :height 1584}, :rects ({:x1 206.35447692871094, :y1 1111.0323486328125, :x2 1079.97216796875, :y2 1138.0533447265625, :width 1224, :height 1584} {:x1 206.35447692871094, :y1 1139.7079467773438, :x2 1079.9691162109375, :y2 1166.7288818359375, :width 1224, :height 1584} {:x1 206.35447692871094, :y1 1168.5317993164062, :x2 1079.9508056640625, :y2 1195.5527954101562, :width 1224, :height 1584} {:x1 206.35447692871094, :y1 1197.355712890625, :x2 660.7605590820312, :y2 1224.376708984375, :width 1224, :height 1584}), :page 3}, :content {:text "Support efforts to strengthen and scale-up existing models of care in the US, through the use of Chagas disease trained patient-care navigators (promotoras), integration of disease-specific activities into both prenatal and primary care more broadly, and inclusion in efforts to improve the total health and well-being of affected communities."}, :properties {:color "yellow"}} {:id #uuid "6597eb27-4d19-489e-971b-3ddd9ba9a6dd", :page 3, :position {:bounding {:x1 206.35447692871094, :y1 1238.2294921875, :x2 1079.967025756836, :y2 1293.9146728515625, :width 1224, :height 1584}, :rects ({:x1 206.35447692871094, :y1 1238.2294921875, :x2 1079.967025756836, :y2 1265.25048828125, :width 1224, :height 1584} {:x1 206.35447692871094, :y1 1266.8936767578125, :x2 912.9641571044922, :y2 1293.9146728515625, :width 1224, :height 1584}), :page 3}, :content {:text "Explore the development of new centers of excellence for diagnosis and treatment in other areas of the US with large immigrant communities from Latin America (such as Chicago)"}, :properties {:color "yellow"}} {:id #uuid "6597eb2f-6e68-4b48-b4b2-52d1d6ff2fa0", :page 3, :position {:bounding {:x1 206.35447692871094, :y1 1307.7674560546875, :x2 1079.9869232177734, :y2 1363.6123657226562, :width 1224, :height 1584}, :rects ({:x1 206.35447692871094, :y1 1307.7674560546875, :x2 1079.9869232177734, :y2 1334.7884521484375, :width 1224, :height 1584} {:x1 206.35447692871094, :y1 1336.5913696289062, :x2 671.2911834716797, :y2 1363.6123657226562, :width 1224, :height 1584}), :page 3}, :content {:text "Seek avenues to advocate for policies that will enhance scalability of these efforts and improve care for populations with or at high risk of Chagas disease"}, :properties {:color "yellow"}} {:id #uuid "6597ebb7-7e99-46f7-b139-98af95731702", :page 4, :position {:bounding {:x1 206.35447311401367, :y1 1307.7674255371094, :x2 932.4571342468262, :y2 1334.7884216308594, :width 1224, :height 1584}, :rects ({:x1 206.35447311401367, :y1 1307.7674255371094, :x2 932.4571342468262, :y2 1334.7884216308594, :width 1224, :height 1584}), :page 4}, :content {:text "Re-engage Ortho in discussions to make its T. cruzi ELISA commercially available."}, :properties {:color "yellow"}} {:id #uuid "6597ebbe-e6fb-4b11-8901-8a4dc8950543", :page 4, :position {:bounding {:x1 206.35447311401367, :y1 1348.6298522949219, :x2 939.6749076843262, :y2 1375.6508483886719, :width 1224, :height 1584}, :rects ({:x1 206.35447311401367, :y1 1348.6298522949219, :x2 939.6749076843262, :y2 1375.6508483886719, :width 1224, :height 1584}), :page 4}, :content {:text "Explore opportunities to reduce the entry barrier for new tests, including rapid tests"}, :properties {:color "yellow"}} {:id #uuid "6597ec3b-74c2-4eaa-a2f4-61965df57526", :page 5, :position {:bounding {:x1 143.93691635131836, :y1 597.3485412597656, :x2 1072.0851860046387, :y2 682.0172424316406, :width 1224, :height 1584}, :rects ({:x1 229.75837326049805, :y1 597.3485412597656, :x2 1072.0851860046387, :y2 624.3694152832031, :width 1224, :height 1584} {:x1 143.93691635131836, :y1 626.1723937988281, :x2 1072.0726127624512, :y2 653.1933898925781, :width 1224, :height 1584} {:x1 143.93691635131836, :y1 654.9962463378906, :x2 527.8879203796387, :y2 682.0172424316406, :width 1224, :height 1584}), :page 5}, :content {:text "Some unpublished research indicates that commercial tests may be missing more than half of infections acquired in southern Mexico. In addition, there is a pressing need to explore new technologies(e.g. CRISPR) that could facilitate diagnosis"}, :properties {:color "yellow"}}], :extra {:page 1}}