- - # #Tareas - DONE MIRAR el Excel de [[María Santamaría]] SCHEDULED: <2024-12-05 Thu> - DONE AÑADIR diapo a presentación [[Ale]] [[Marina]] SCHEDULED: <2024-12-05 Thu> - TODO TERMINAR de cortar el vídeo de [[Marina]] para [[Coalición Chagas]] SCHEDULED: <2024-12-09 Mon> - - # #Eventos - DONE 10:30 - 11:30: Reunión tarjeta fin de año SCHEDULED: <2024-12-05 Thu> - ### A tratar - Tarjetón de fin de año. Se le manda por mail a todas las áreas y a las sedes para que se la envíen a proveedores y colaboradores - ### Notas - Yo propongo usar la bolita logo - Dar un poco más de información - Reenvío por whatsapp, etc. - ### Decisiones - TODO Compartir ideas por email sobre la tarjeta SCHEDULED: <2024-12-09 Mon> - - TODO 15:00 - 16:00: Fw: [[STOP2030]]. Steering Committee Meeting - December [[2024]] @today SCHEDULED: <2024-12-05 Thu> - ### A tratar - WP1: Non cost extension Liconsa. Based on the timelines for the clinical trial. We need to ask EDCTP for a non cost extension. Delays in regulatory approval - ### Notas - AK: We wont get everythinig clear before june 2026, therefore the non cost extension will be starting to discuss with Ana Duarte (project officer at EDCTP). For all to be clear, all info that pertains to WP3,4 and 5. All info that is needed should be ready by july august 2025. The main reason is to have wp2 finishing al the activities related to the visit on month eleven and everything related to closing the clinical trial. For how long? 6 or 12 months? - JM: STOP already needed that - ### Decisiones -