diff --git a/journals/2024_07_31.md b/journals/2024_07_31.md index 994217eb..73fbbba6 100644 --- a/journals/2024_07_31.md +++ b/journals/2024_07_31.md @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ - JJ: Discuss more than one use. We're so deep in the weeds of this. In starting conversations with people. Lets do more - JJ: ASTMH: we want to start a conversation and dont. havae a piece with all the data. multiple potential uses, efficacy, we can give that to people. - A little bit about the project, what is doing, learn more about the key parts. - - JJ: + - JJ: This is been going on for a lot of time and a lot of money. This is not simple, it sounds. - ### Decisiones - TODO MINIREUNIÓN con nerea sobre la timeline de paper SCHEDULED: <2024-07-31 Wed>