- First, please excuse my absolute ignorance on Ethiopia and its situation, government, how things work, etc. Please correct any incorrect assumptions I have.
- The ivermectin campaign is under what project? With which goals? What are the scientific reasons for your project? What are you trying to prove-disprove?
- We're still thinking about the strategic communication of the foundation and it is not totally defined, but we have some ongoing ideas. One is that we plan to go global and reach wider audiences. The key to all this is: how can communication help with Mundo Sano mission.
- One aspect is procuring it with a good reputation
- But maybe some communication work can also help with local communities?
- As we don't already have any particular communication goals regarding this project, we should strive for gathering enough material for a bit of everything. Some ideas:
- Lab work, sample recollection, result analysis. We want to show our endeavour is primarily scientific.Don't be afraid to gather video of things not going alright. Quite a few people have already praised to me Arancha's talk in the Simposio precisely because it was not clear-cut. It didn't show great results, but the struggle to get them. That is more interesting as a story, and also closer to the truth.
- Same as video. Focus on your work and Aranchas. I recon a photographer can be with you only for some moments, but please don't dismiss taking pictures with your phone of anything you consider relevant. Better to have more than less pictures.
- How do they see you? Like, are the MDA campaings a nuisance, something they expect, something they like? Do they care? Do you have to motivate them in any way to take the medicine?
- Después se espera un año para tomar samples. Queremos saber si hay una diferencia entre gente que toma estas medicaciones o no en el largo plazo. También van a comparar cohortes de edad porque se toman muestras de niños desde 6 años hasta 14 o así, y los primeros toman albendazol+ivermectina, pero los últimos se han pasado una vida tomando solo albendazol.
- Cuando hacemos actividades de difusión (theatrical drama) les explicamos cómo se transmiten los helmintos y cómo hacer para evitar el contagio: letrina, zapatos. Lo hacen de manera muy entretenida. No tienen zapatos, pero pueden usar cosas de plástico o hacerse unos. Hacen uno o dos de estos por año, según el budget, porque es un poco caro.