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- # #Tareas
- DONE CONTAR a [[Nerea]] con cosas importantes para [[STOP2030/Redes Sociales]] y otras cosas
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SCHEDULED: <2024-09-06 Fri>
- TODO QUE METAN en la [[Web]] de [[STOP2030]] que [[OMS]] ha designado a [[KEMRI]] como un centro colaborador en la vigilancia de NTDs [https://apps.who.int/whocc/Detail.aspx?XOAHM3sF/C/9r825fA94LA==](https://apps.who.int/whocc/Detail.aspx?XOAHM3sF/C/9r825fA94LA==)
SCHEDULED: <2024-09-23 Mon>
- Escrito un textito:
**ESACIPAC (KEMRI) designated as a WHO Collaborating Centre on monitoring and evaluation of NTDs**
The Eastern and Southern Africa Centre of International Parasite Control (ESACIPAC), a part of KEMRI, has been designated as a WHO Collaborating Centre on monitoring and evaluation of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) for the next four years. As part of their commitment, they will carry out activities to support disease mapping and impact assessment surveys for the control and elimination of NTDs.
This newly designated WHO Collaborating Centre will be led by Doris Njomo, PhD, centre director of ESACIPAC, and Collins Okoyo, PhD, a statistician from KEMRI involved in the data collection, modelling and analysis within the STOP2030 consortium.
The STOP2030 consortium congratulates ESACIPAC, and KEMRI, for this important achievement, and celebrates working together in developing our fixed-dose coformulation and making it available where it is most needed.
- La nueva guía de Strongy
- En breve el DTAG publicará the TPP on diagnostics for St st. With that, these recommendations should have the right tools to complement treatment.
- DONE RESPONDER a [[Nerea]] con el draft del email a partners de la [[newsletter]]
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SCHEDULED: <2024-09-09 Mon>
- ### Original
Dear all
The first issue of our collaborative newsletter was successfully launched during the summer, featuring contributions from all of you. Thank you for your valuable input. You can access the published content in this link. https://mailchi.mp/4a84cca6c552/the-bridge-1?e=73880ba532
While the launch was a success, we believe there is room for improvement in building our subscriber base. Subscription numbers were lower than anticipated; however, we view this initial issue as a valuable pilot case to showcase and actively promote for increased engagement. To support these efforts, we have developed a set of social media resources, which you can leverage within your networks to drive subscriptions. Attached, you will find a social media kit containing examples of ready-to-use posts and banners. Additionally, here is the link to the subscription page for ease of sharing. https://stop2030.us22.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=0ae85981ee38cc46519f27cfa&id=efc8832944
Looking ahead, next issue is scheduled for December. As we discussed, it will feature an article from one of our collaborating institutions. If anyone is interested in volunteering to write the next feature, please reach out.
Thank you again for your ongoing support, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,
- ### Revisión
Dear all,
The first issue of our collaborative newsletter was succesfuly launched during the summer, featuring contributions from all of you. Thank you for your input, corrections and your willingness to participate. In case you didn't receive it, you can check the published content in [https://mailchi.mp/4a84cca6c552/the-bridge-1?e=73880ba532](https://mailchi.mp/4a84cca6c552/the-bridge-1?e=73880ba532).
It was a good start, and we think we're ready to start building our subscriber base. We can use this first issue to showcase and promote. To support these subscriber building efforts we have developed a set of social media resources for you and your organizations and consortiums to use.
Attached you will find a social media kit containing examples of ready-to-use posts and banners following the newsletter visual identity. Feel free to adapt them to your needs and use them as your convenience. If you have suggestions or need help, please get in touch.
Here is the link to the subscription page. It is this link that you should share to people interested in subscribing to our newsletter: https://stop2030.us22.list-manage.com/subscribe?u=0ae85981ee38cc46519f27cfa&id=efc8832944
Looking ahead, the next issue of the newsletter is scheduled for December. As discussed previously, it should feature an article from one of you. If you are interested in volunteering to write the next feature, please let us all know.
Thank you again for your support and your participation. Please keep your comments coming. We look forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,
- DONE AÑADIR el logo de la newsletter al Social Media Kit y tal vez hacer también un background o un banner con los logos de todos los proyectos? (creo que lo que más les va a gustar "promocionar" de la newsletter es que sea colaborativa). Por otro lado, hay que pensar que probablemente no sean capaces de hacer banners particulares para redes sociales.
- DONE DAR las cifras de verdad de personas suscritas, aunque sean 4. Radical Honesty!
- TODO PENSAR sobre taller de [[GEPI]] sobre efectos secundarios del [[benznidazol]] que se hará en algún momento de [[2025]]
SCHEDULED: <2025-01-08 Wed>
- TODO PREPARAR [[Nota de prensa]] de [[STOP2030]] sobre la publicación de las recomendaciones de Strongy de [[OMS]] y tenerla lista para la fecha de publicación.
SCHEDULED: <2024-09-23 Mon>
- DONE PEDIRLE a [[Ale]] que pregunte por la fecha de publicación a ver si así podemos compartirlo embargado y darle un poco más de opciones a salir publicado en algún sitio (aun así son pocas). STOP2030
SCHEDULED: <2024-09-09 Mon>
- DONE PREPARAR preguntas para [[Ale]] sobre el proyecto de la [[FDC]]
SCHEDULED: <2024-09-09 Mon>
- # #Eventos
- DONE REUNIÓN [[STOP2030]] [[Scienseed]]
SCHEDULED: <2024-09-06 Fri>
- ### A tratar
- {{embed ((66d58211-5274-456c-b2d3-3f6361df7028))}}
- ### Notas
- ### Decisiones
- DONE PREGUNTAR a [[Ale Krolewiecki]] si tiene sentido hablar ocn [[Jose Muñoz]] para preguntar si hacemos una nota conjunta sobre el paper de farmacocinética con [[ISGlobal]]
SCHEDULED: <2024-09-13 Fri>
- Pressing issues:
- Redes de agosto y septiembre
- mandar a la peña de la newsletter un recordatorio de que se tienen que suscribir y motivar a otras personas que no sean ellos mismos a suscribirse.
- responder a la gente de la newsletter
- DONE MANDAR el manuscrito de farmacocinética y excel de eventos (compartido)
SCHEDULED: <2024-09-06 Fri>
- TODO REVISAR blogs de Scienseed
SCHEDULED: <2024-09-23 Mon>